Warhammer Fest pictures!
here’s the gallery of images, if you don’t want to read on!
I was happy to attend my first Games Workshop event, the first Warhammer Fest weekend that is still going on as I type. I decided to go the first day, because the second day would be pretty busy with Golden Daemon contestants. I think I was right, because by around 3 PM it was easy to get front-row spots at the various talks and spend several minutes talking to all the Forge World folks, people like Jervis Johnson, White Dwarf and Black Library people and many more.
To me the main draw of the event is talking to the people behind the books, models and more. Buying normal models and Forge World stuff at full retail isn’t really appealing (unless you’re going to get 5 of each of the show-exclusive models and sell them on ebay), the shirts and mugs were in very short supply, even if you got in line first thing and spent the first hour of the day waiting to spend more monty (I wasn’t able to get a Horus Heresy shirt but I did get a mug) so you have to know what to expect and plan your day if you can.
I didn’t sit in on any of the seminars, because I’m not that familiar with the FW stuff and the Horus Heresy books, plus there’s people like this guy who know it way better than me and can provide much better commentary! (edit: there’s also this thread on Bell of Lost Souls that goes in-depth on Imperial Armour 13 if you’re interested in what exactly is inside)
another edit: if you want to see videos of the amazing Forge World display boards, check out the Alpha Legion vs Cult Mechanicus for the red vs blue armies and the Battle of Caith for the shipping yard battle
There’s a few preview pictures below, click here to see the full gallery
click here to see the full gallery!