WOW! 1100 Facebook Likes!
Wow, everyone! Amazingly, not only did we fly past 1000 ‘Likes’ on Facebook, but we’re past 1100 now as well! Must have been something we were up to over the weekend…
This is amazing and humbling – it means that we’re putting out information (whether that’s photos, posts, videos or news) that people want to see, and hopefully they want to see more of! So that’s what we’re going to keep doing 🙂
In addition to the fans on Facebook, we’ve had over 4000 views on all of the videos in just the past few weeks, we have over 250 subscribers, and our most popular video, the Forge World Horus Heresy Model Masterclass book review video that we posted in early January has soared to over 8100 views! The YouTube channel keeps on growing, and there are definitely plans in place to keep that growth 🙂
So by all means, please keep coming back to the site, check out the YouTube channel, follow us on Facebook – we’re happy to keep putting out interesting content for you all!