40K: Chaos Terminators Finished!
I know. I’ve been bad. I haven’t updated in a little while, but that’s because I’ve been busy finishing these guys: click for bigger
I know. I’ve been bad. I haven’t updated in a little while, but that’s because I’ve been busy finishing these guys: click for bigger
Well I finally finished that Dreadnought conversion I posted the other day:
And now for a nearly-new post! Anyone who’s followed the Hammertime 40K wargaming blog for a while will have noticed that the posts I’ve been doing have been reposts from Hammertime 40K. It’s been cool seeing all my ‘old’ stuff come up again, but now it’s time for some newer
After months of it being just a pink and white monster, I finished the the ‘Big Red Building’ and a few other pieces last year for the game table:
Here are 34 painted pointy dudes!
One of my first complete units of models done for Warhammer 40K, the Chaos Cultists from the Dark Vengeance box set!
These guys were an ‘ebay rescue’ that I had a bit of fun painting (and repainting, as it turned out):
Here are the Chaos Spawn I made a while back! I think I might make more, since I have so many Tyranid bits and they are kinda fun to make…
Here’s the first Maulerfiend/Forgefiend I completed – I think this was the first boxed model I bought from a Games Workshop store! – he’s fully magnetized to be fully swappable between the melee weapons of the Maulerfiend (huge front arms and the tentacles) and the ranged shooting weapons of the Forgefiend (gatling autocannons and the plasma guns).
This little cutie took a bit longer than I thought to finish, but he got there in the end.